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Horseradish Health Remedy

Horseradish Health Remedy

Horseradish, frequently found in the wild, has long been treasures as a spice, a health remedy and a food.

horseradish health remedy

The root originated in southeastern Europe and has been used in central Europe since the twelfth century. At one time, cookbooks contained many recipes for everyday dishes using fresh horseradish, and it was heavily relied on as a health remedy. Because of its high mineral and vitamin-C content, horseradish was once used to combat scurvy, which is caused by vitamin-C deficiency. The plain-looking root also stimulates appetite and digestion. The mustard oils in fresh horseradish are what clears your sinuses quickly, even when you eat a small amount. Daily use may help to decrease hay fever allergy symptoms as well; take until symptoms decrease and then once a month as needed.

One of the many horseradish health benefits is that it promotes digestion. Fresh grated horseradish stimulates the digestive glands and the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine. It increases gastric juice production, regulates elimination, helps expel worms and brings intestinal activity back to normal. Eat some daily by adding grated root to your yogurt, salad dressings or meats.

Horseradish Therapeutic Effect:

The mustard oils in horseradish inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses, so its useful for treating respiratory, intestinal and urinary-tract infections. Because it promotes blood flow, it can also serve as an antiseptic diuretic for kidney and bladder complaints, induce a sweat and help battle fatigue.


Horseradish root contains antibacterial mustard glycosides, particularly sinigrin, which is broken down into mustard oil when the root is crushed. Along with the essential oils, the glycosides are responsible for the hot spiciness of the root. The horseradish root is also very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and the minerals potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. You can meet the adult minimum daily requirement of 75 milligrams of vitamin C with 70 grams of horseradish.

More about Horseradish as a Health Remedy

Horseradish juice, promotes expectoration. If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat, mix 1 tsp. of the grated root in a glass of water with a little honey, and gargle.

Horseradish Kitchen Hints

Fresh horseradish roots are solid and juicy. Don’t choose elastic or even soft roots; they are too old.

To store horseradish roots, wrap them in paper and keep them in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator. They will stay fresh for several weeks.

Horseradish roots can be frozen, but clean them before freezing. Whenever you need some horseradish, grate directly from the frozen root. With a lower temperature, evaporation of the essential oils will be reduced, eliminating eye irritation.

Sulfur dioxide is often added to prevent discoloration in pre-grated horseradish sold commercially. Check the product label for unsulfured horseradish.

To prevent discoloration, mix fresh-grated horseradish with lemon juice or vinegar; cover.

You can grate small amounts of horseradish on a kitchen grater, but for larger roots you’ll want to use a food processor. To protect your tear ducts, grate horseradish in a well-ventilated area or, if possible, outside.

Do not cook horseradish, or it will turn bitter. cooking destroys its health-giving properties.

Horseradish Powder

For a piquant taste that will liven up nearly any savory recipe, it would be hard to beat Horseradish Powder. The commonly edible part of the Horseradish spice is the root. Horseradish spice is a common addition to many condiments you likely have in your kitchen right now. It can be added to mustard or to mayonnaise to make a sparkling addition to your next grilled hamburger or sausage. It also makes a tasty addition to thousand island dressing, which can then be applied to a variety of sandwiches. Horseradish spice is a wonderful ingredient to use in the preparation of Cesar salad or green goddess dressings as well. It can also be added to sour cream and used as an accompaniment to roasted meats such as beef or pot roasts. It makes a tasty addition to coleslaw made from shredded cabbage as well. Horseradish can also be added in small amounts to barbecue sauce to spice it up. Horseradish Powder tastes great when added to tomato-based cocktail sauces used for garnishing shrimp and other seafood.

In addition to culinary uses, our Horseradish Powder is commonly used as a stimulant.

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
All information provided in this site is the result of research using (but not limited to) the following books and guides: The Complete Guide to Natural Healing, International Masters Publishers.
This site makes every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information that is intended to complement, not replace, the advice of your physician. Before undertaking the advice contained on this web site, you should consult with a health care professional, who can best assess your individual needs, symptoms and treatment.








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