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Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume

Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume

Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume is a round, fully citrusy perfume with a distinct woodsy scent. This fragrance is also well suited for use as an appealing cologne for men.

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Making your own Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume or a cologne for men is a better option than buying perfumes. This homemade perfume encompasses the two fragrances that men and women love.

Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume is handcrafted with organic botanical ingredients. You will love these nourishing plant oils and expertly blended pure essential oils. They have a fragrance that lasts for hours.

This exquisite collection of exotic, alluring, and deeply penetrating aroma oils is made with 100% natural ingredients including pure essential oils.

Citrus fragrances are fresh, fruity and bursting with crisp and zesty essences like Lemons and Neroli.  Citrus scents are infused with the tangy essence of citrus fruits and these perfumes are energetic and best enjoyed as a daytime delight and during spring summer or fall months of the year.

Woodsy fragrances are some of the most popular type of fragrances for men and the scent they give off are earthy, warm and dry smelling. Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume or Colognes for men are dominated by woody scents, characteristically by cypress and cedarwood.

Woodsy fragrances for men are best used during the fall or winter months or late evening during the spring.

Every perfume consists of 3 scent levels, or “notes” which support each other and create the overall scent. Essential oils, classified as either top, middle or base notes, give each perfume its own special character. Here are a few of the basic terms:

Top note: This is the scent you notice first, but it doesn’t last long because it evaporates quickest. Top notes are a small portion of the final blend and include fresh, light citrus scents using such oils as neroli, grapefruit, lemongrass and lemon.

Middle note: This links the base and top scents and determines the fragrance family. Middle notes include benzoin essential oils in this recipe.

Base note or fixative: This scent lasts the longest, adds fullness and carries the other scents. Derived from balsams, roots, resins and wood, bases include such oils as cedarwood and cypress and verbina and tend to be dark, heavy and sweet.

Make Your Own Perfume

Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume

5 tsp. 80-proof vodka
1/2 tsp distilled water
15 drops lemon oil
10 drops grapefruit oil
10 drops lemongrass oil
2 drops benzoin oil
3 drops cedarwood oil
5 drops neroli oil
5 drops cypress oil
10 drops verbena oil (use with caution if at all)

Directions for this recipe:

Place all of the ingredients in a dark glass bottle and shake well. Store the perfume in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks to allow it to develop. Turn the bottle upside down occasionally as the woodsy fruitwood perfume steeps.

Maintaining Pure Scent

Spray bottles, which will not come into contact with the skin, are the best choice for applying perfume. Direct skin contact may cause dead skin cells to slough off and be deposited in the bottle, which can can have effect on the perfume’s scent over the long term.


Do not use perfume before going out in the sun. The essential oils, when exposed to UV light, may result in brown skin discoloration (pigment spots) that is difficult or impossible to remove.

Ingredient for this Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume Recipe and their Benefits:

Vodka as a carrier oil: High quality 80- or 100-proof vodka is virtually odorless, making it a good choice for an essential-oil carrier in natural perfume. Don’t substitute other types of alcohol, such as rubbing alcohol, which has a powerful odor and quickly evaporates as well.

For freshness: Oils from the skins of a variety of citrus fruits provide the perfumes fruity, fresh note. Lemon, grapefruit are used as light scent oils. They give a refreshing top note and also provide the perfume with its delicate, invigorating scent.

For warmth and spice: The addition of lemongrass, cypress, neroli and verbena oils gives the perfume a mild spicy, slightly woodsy scent.

For fullness and harmony: Benzoin and cedarwood oils give the perfume a lasting fullness. They bind the mixture of essential oils together and harmonize well with the fresh citrus oils.
Citrus oil for refreshment: Gently uplifting and soothing citrus oils, such as neroli, provide a fruity, floral freshness to a perfume’s fragrance.

Resources Recommended for your Woodsy Fruitwood Perfume Recipe

vodka for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeVodka as a carrier oil: High quality 80 or 100 proof vodka is virtually odorless, making it a good choice for an essential-oil carrier in natural woodsy fruitwood perfume. Don’t substitute other types of alcohol, such as rubbing alcohol, which has a powerful odor and quickly evaporates as well.




lemon-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeLemon Essential Oil (USA) Lemon Peel Essential Oil, Cold Pressed | Earth Angel Oils. Lemon Peel (citrus limon) is an antiviral, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory essential oil which fights infections, flu, bronchitis, purifies the air, water, body, mind and emotions. It promotes leukocyte formation, dissolves cellulite, increases lymphatic function and promotes a sense of well-being.


lemon-essential-oil-organic for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeLemon Essential Oil Organic (Italy) Light, fresh, citrus scent, and nice for blending, Lemon Essential Oil has a number of important properties, such as the ability to stimulate the immune system and to increase the production of white corpuscles. Great for use in your diffuser, the bath, massage, as a food flavorant, in lotion, and as a mouthwash.


grapefruit-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumePink Grapefruit Peel Essential Oil (USA) is a natural anti-depressant which activates endorphins, helps to balance the serotonin level, and provides a feeling of wellbeing.



grapefruit-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeGrapefruit Essential Oil (USA) With a sweet, sharp, pressed refreshing citrus scent, Grapefruit Essential Oil is very nice for blending. It has an overall uplifting and reviving effect, making it useful for fatigue. It balances the central nervous system and helps relieve nervous exhaustion and performance stress, and it was also recently studied as an appetite-inhibitor. Grapefruit Essential Oil is stimulating, refreshing, and cheering. Use as a food flavorant, in perfumes, in a diffuser, blended in lotion, and for massage.

lemongrass-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeLemongrass Oil (India) enhances focus and helps circulation, strengthens immune system and blood vessels, builds connective tissue, and cleanses blood. The anti-inflammatory diuretic reduces cellulite, stimulates lymph, eases fatigue, back pain and fibromyalgia, purifies intestinal tract for cholera; kills resistant staph (MRSA). Diffuse to disinfect air; dilute for household disinfectant and topical applications.


lemongrass-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeLemongrass Essential Oil (India) has a fresh, grassy-citrus, earthy scent. Lemongrass has been shown in scientific trials that it is a powerful antiseptic and anti-bacterial agent. It is also known to be a strong deodorant. Lemongrass Essential Oil is uplifting and vitalizing. Great for use with a diffuser, as a room fragrance, in perfume and soap, and as food flavoring.


benzoin for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeBenzoin Wild Essential Oil (Siam) Benzoin and cedarwood oils give the perfume a lasting fullness. They bind the mixture of essential oils together and harmonize well with the fresh citrus oils.



benzoin-absolute-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeBenzoin Absolute Essential Oil (Indonesia) has a warming, vanilla scent that is somewhat syrup-like in viscosity. It blends well with other resinous oils, such as frankincense and myrrh, and with sandalwood, cedarwood, vetiver, and patchouli, as well as with citrus essential oils. It has long been used in incense and as a preservative in cosmetics. It aids with dry skin and oily facial skin. It is relaxing, calming, and grounding. Its thicker viscosity makes it ideal for use with a candle diffuser. Perfect for the bath, massage oil blends, and creams.

cedarwood for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeCedarwood, Atlantica Essential Oil (Morocco) Deep, Woody, Uplifting, Skin-healing Oil: Air disinfectant, respiratory regenerative lymph and nerve tonic; balancing, spiritual opening; stimulates adrenals, Third Eye. Antidepressant, lymph drainage. Warming, rejuvenating. Increases circulation, oxygenation of cells, chelates arteries, reduces arteriosclerosis, fights cancer. This oil has also been found to be helpful for autism.


cedarwood-atlas-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeCedarwood Atlas Essential Oil (Morocco) This oil has a rich aromatic scent that is particularly pleasing in skin formulations. In addition, the respiratory effects of Cedarwood are remarkable and it is also an excellent insect repellent.



cypress-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeCypress Essential Oil | Earth Angel Oils (France). For hair and skin care, add 1-3 drops of cypress oil to your shampoo, conditioner or Homemade Face Wash. It is perfect for a deep clean, and it’s beneficial to the skin and hair because of its antimicrobial properties.



cypress-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeCypress Essential Oil (Spain) Cypress Essential Oil has a woody, slightly spicy, and refreshing fragrance. It is known for being an astringent, antiseptic, deodorant, respiratory tonic, and relaxant. Dandruff may benefit from cypress oil, which gently cleanses the scalp without drying it out. It also has anti-spasmodic qualities and can aid with respiratory problems and coughing. Perfect for massage oils, lotions and creams, a cold compress, and foot baths.


neroli for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeNeroli Essential Oil (Morocco) Very relaxing, helping to aid feelings of anxiety and apathy. Due to its calming effect may be beneficial to sexual problems. May aid symptoms of irritability and tearfulness.



neroli-essential-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeNeroli Essential Oil (Egyptian) Gently uplifting and soothing citrus oils, such as neroli provide a fruity, floral freshness to a perfume’s fragrance.Best Anti-Depressant: Uplifting, calming, increases circulation, releases tension and stress. Banishes nervous anxiety, reduces heart palpitations, overcomes shock. This oil has also been found to be helpful for autism.


verbena-essencial-oil for Woodsy Fruitwood PerfumeVerbena Essential Oil has similar uses to mint and orange flowers. The addition of lemongrass, cypress, neroli and verbena oils gives the perfume a mild spicy, slightly woodsy scent.

I recommend Starwest Botanicals and Amazon for your Woodsy Fruitwood perfume ingredients. Why I recommend these companies?

healthy-natural-living-468x60Monthly Specials at Starwest Botanicals

Come Back Soon for: Orange Spice Cologne, Floriental Nights Perfume, Citrus Grove Perfume

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
















Homemade Perfume

Homemade Perfume

Homemade Perfume

orange-spice-cologneThe sense of smell is linked to the brain’s limbic system – which affects sexual behavior, emotion and even memory – and that scents can trigger different responses in different people. Creating your own homemade perfume is easy. Find out which fragrance family, or category of aroma, most of your favorite scents belong to by testing different oils. Floral fragrance tends to be popular among women, but Oriental, fruity, spicy, green and citrus are other aromatic options. Fresh scent often appeal to energetic, youthful temperament. A woodsy or citrusy aroma also retains its scent for hours without becoming too powerful, and make them suitable for men to use as a cologne. Fresh, citrus-based perfumes are the lightest in aroma and they linger for the least amount of time. Create your own homemade perfume by selecting from a wide array of essential oils – delicate floral scents or spicy resins or a host of fruity, fresh citrus oil.

Orange Spice Cologne Recipe

A warming, spicy, and exotic blend that will lift spirits, invigorate senses, alleviate stress, mental fatigue, and tension. The aroma is delightfully reminiscent of Chai tea.

1 organic Cinnamon Stick
25 organic whole Cardamom Pods
15 organic Cloves
1 organic Vanilla Bean – cut into small pieces
1 fresh organic Orange peel – zest only
8 oz Vodka


Crush spices in a mortar and pestle. Combine with Vanilla Bean pieces, Orange peel zest, and vodka in a glass mason jar. Cap tightly and shake once or more per day. After 2-6 weeks, strain the spices and pour the infused liquid into a glass bottle with a mister top. Simply add more spices if you desire a stronger cologne.


The skin must be clean and dry when using perfume, so the scent doesn’t mix with other odors. Such areas as the neck, sternum, elbow and inside of the knee or wrist are the best places to apply perfume; the increased body temperature at these pulse points improves a scent’s development and longevity.

Maintaining Pure Scent

Spray bottles, which will not come into contact with the skin, are the best choice for applying perfume. Direct skin contact may cause dead skin cells to slough off and be deposited in the bottle, which can can have effect on the perfume’s scent over the long term.

Ingredients for this Recipe and their Benefits:

cinnamon Cinnamon Stick (Ceylon): Its scent is uniquely warming, uplifting, and stimulating, and its flavor sweet and delicious, hence the flavor and aroma have been utilized in countless confectioneries, baked goods, perfumes, cosmetics, beverages, and cordials. Recent scientific studies validate many of the traditional uses of this medicinal spice, indicating its health enhancing properties.


cardamom-pods Cardamom Pods Whole Organic (Guatemala) In India Cardamom was known as the “Queen of spices” to black pepper’s title as the “King of spices”. Also in India, during the 11th century, it was listed as one of the ingredients in the “Five fragrance betel chew” in the Book of Splendour. Cardamom oil is used to flavor pharmaceuticals, and as a fragrance in soaps, detergents, homemade perfume and other body care products.


cloves-organicCloves (Sri Lanka): An extensively utilized culinary spice since ancient times, clove rivals other well-known spices such as cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg for popularity. Clove is used in liqueurs and mulled wine, perfumes and even love potions. More recently, clove oil has been employed for its analgesic effects in dentistry.


vanilla-beanVanilla Beans Organic (India) While vanilla extract is widely used as a flavoring, many gourmet chefs insist that true vanilla flavor can only be derived from the pod itself. In addition to its use as a food flavoring, vanilla is used to scent everything from perfumes to candles and lotions. It is also used in medicine as a flavoring and to improve the appetite.


orange peel zest for Homemade Perfume Orange peel zest: Orange zest is the top layer of an orange’s peel. It contains the fruit’s oils and adds a bright citrus flavor to a variety of dishes and perfumes. There are several kitchen utensils you can use to zest an orange, including a microplane, grater, vegetable peeler or knife. Pick organic oranges that do not have a wax coating.


vodka for Homemade Perfume Vodka as a carrier oil: High quality 80 or 100 proof vodka is virtually odorless, making it a good choice for an essential-oil carrier in natural perfume. Don’t substitute other types of alcohol, such as rubbing alcohol, which has a powerful odor and quickly evaporates as well.

I recommend Starwest Botanicals for your orange spice cologne ingredients.






Monthly Specials at Starwest Botanicals


Come Back Soon for: “Floriental” nights perfume, Citrus grove perfume, Fruitwood perfume

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.















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